This morning, I was turned onto Mike Brock’s article in “Notes from The Circus” titled, “The Plot Against America.” I have put his subscription button below this post so you can sign up for his newsletter, for obvious reasons.
After I finished reading his piece, I went to the comments section to peruse the thoughts of people, many of whom I assumed would be hearing about Yarvinism for the very first time.
What I found was a mix of takes. The comments were filled with people who either knew some of what was going on, none of what was going on, or a little bit of what was going on.
What I saw the most of, though, is interesting: People really saw through the bullshit. Even people who are just confronting the Network State and Yarvinism for the first time asked the important questions like “What happens to non-elites?” or “What are they going to do without Experts in fields crucial to modern society?” This gives me a great sense of hope. While it seems obvious to kneejerk reject this terrible idea, crazier things have happened among the American populace.
I just wanted to offer some clarification for people who have these questions.
In short, they have no plan. The dominating ideology of Silicon Valley is break first, ask questions maybe never. Yarvinism is Neo-Randian nonsense written by fools. You can see this for yourself on Yarvin’s personal substack called “The Gray Mirror.” I suggest you click that hyperlink in a private browser. No need to wreck your algorithm for this.
What you’ll find in this morass of text is nigh on unreadable prose and exceedingly jumbled mumblings about democracy, history, slavery, and tech. It’s incoherent shit.
So when I read the question: “What happens to non-elites?” I can say, at least from their foundational texts, they have no idea. What I expect is something similar to Galt’s Gulch, where they structure their society around an “Exit.”
Galt’s Gulch, for those unaware, comes from Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Galt’s Gulch is a proto-type version of the Network State. The comic below does well to elucidate it’s problems.

Network States are the “Let them eat cake,” of the modern day. There’s a reason why they’re trying to get land footholds in poor countries with more exploitable workforces.
So to posit what I think it will probably look like. I have to give them a lot of leeway I don’t think they deserve. They state pretty clearly that Network States only come about when the Network State starts from a foundational “goal.” This goal could be “Freedom of Speech,” or something. So the Network State would naturally fit as some kind of Social Media platform. They would offer an initial token of $PEECH, which people could buy and add to their crypto wallets. They then can “subscribe” to their citizenship with $PEECH country. Naturally, only wealthy people can afford this, but that’s fine, because the $PEECH Fuhrer, erm, I mean Leader, has a buddy who’s Network State is based on “Building.” And his group own $BUILD. So they’re going to build the houses.
Oops, we just ran into a problem.
Why would anyone who has enough money to subscribe to a citizenship (which, by the way, run in the thousands of dollars per month/year), opt for the “building” Network State? No idea. I’m just presenting it as they have suggested.
So for some reason people decide to join the $BUILD Union, erm, I mean Network State instead of $PEECH. $PEECH would then contract work from $BUILD to build houses on the sovereign land they stole, erm, I mean bought from a developing nation. $BUILD would go build houses, fulfill the contract, whatever, and then move on to their next one. Meanwhile $PEECH citizens will jump on a plane operated by $PLANE network citizens.
When $PEECH Network Citizens arrive in their newly developed Network City, they would then hire $CLEAN to maintain their roads (or enslave locals) $MEALS to create restaurants, and $ENTERTAINMENT to…entertain them?
I think I can stop there, because the plan is so obviously nonsense. It reeks of ignorance and pure foolishness.
Now, I do want to say that this is my logical extension of their idea, but it is not what is being advertised at the moment.
Prospera, one of the more advanced Network States, has a careers page you can peruse. They’re hiring for positions like a “Local Media Coordinator” and a “Waiter/Waitress.” Propsera takes Bitcoin as their primary currency. So, not yet $PROSPER or whatever.
This idea, that’s already in action, has received some news coverage already. Prospera runs counter to my previous allegory of a bunch of Cryptocurrency Wallets, erm, I mean Citizens uniting toward a common vision. It runs counter because these positions don’t all funnel toward one, unified vision of the Network State. This is basically a resort for rich people calling itself a country. I don’t lend much credence to Network State formulations like this because this is just bog-standard scammery we see among the Super-Rich and have seen among them for the last 50 years.